Raisins and dried fruits are natural foods – the perfect companions to healthier living. Raisins are a high-energy food, providing the natural sugars, potassium, fiber and tartaric acid necessary to keep digestive systems healthy. Plus they are the most concentrated, commonly available fruit source for snacking, baking, recipes and quick additions to salads and cereals. This booklet features a selection of recipes for healthier eating.
Las pasas y las frutas secas son alimentos naturales, los compañeros perfectos para una vida más saludable. Las pasas son un alimento de alta energía que proporciona los azúcares naturales, potasio, fibra y ácido tartárico necesarios para mantener los sistemas digestivos saludables. Además, son la fuente de frutas más concentrada y comúnmente disponible para bocadillos, horneados, recetas y adiciones rápidas a ensaladas y cereales. Este folleto presenta una selección de recetas para una alimentación más saludable.
Continually searching for new ways to bring raisins and dried fruits to the kitchens and tables of American families and the world, Sun-Maid has, over the course of a century, developed a diverse assortment of recipes. This recipe booklet features a selection of favorites from the past 100 years of Sun-Maid’s delicious and colorful history.